Monday, August 31, 2009


Scooter is a Boston Terrier and is five years old. He's black, brindle and white. His beard is graying, although he seems so young to have any gray. He has a black spot on his head we call "God's thumprint". He's a smart as a whip and charming yet he can be very manipulative. Just watch his expressions, he has tons of them. His ears stick up like triangles on top of his head. He loves to prance around with a toy in his mouth as he cocks his head to the side saying "Come and try to yank this toy from me, you just come and try!" He prances and dances around showing off. He loves the attention and he loves to do tricks. He knows how to sit, of course, shake hands, the usual. But his pride and joy is crashing and then doing a roll. A crash command is kind of like tilling him to sit with his belly to the floor, paws out in front, head down. He gets so exciting all you have to do is grab a treat and call him over to you. When he sees you point to the floor, bam! He's done both tricks in a matter of seconds. And then the prancing starts. He provides lots of fun and entertainment in our house. I cannot imagine life without him. He even has a tatoo!