Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My new neighbor

I'm sitting here looking out my window at the clouds. I am very fortunate, I have my computer in the bedroom with a big window that I can look out and see the neighbors. Well, I can see 2 houses from my viewpoint, actually. Anyway, I'm looking out the window and I see clouds, it seems chilly but I don't know. To be honest I haven't even been outside today. I left the garage this morning to go to work, pulled into another garage to park, and went through a tunnel to my building. Ugh, what's the temperature out? I'll have to find out when I go on my walk, before it gets dark...So I'm looking out my window at the house our new neighbors moved into. We found out they're "Green". Meaning, they don't believe in using fertilizers and apparently it also means they don't believe in using a real mower - with an engine. The guy uses a push mower with no engine - yes, I said no engine! You know, like you'd see Wally using on Leave It To Beaver! Please don't tell me you don't know Wally! Apparently they don't believe in trimming trees or bushes either. Maybe I'll go over in the dark and do it for them! Ha. What's that on their sliding glass door? Looks like a note of some kind....hmmm. I feel like a Peeping Tom. Everything is so green outside, no pun intended. I love Fall, all seasons really. It gives me something to look forward to. Well, gotta go walking!

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