Friday, September 18, 2009

Waiting Room

I'm sitting here in the waiting room waiting for my husband to have a procedure done. I'm getting a little hyper and I'm bored. Can't wait to get out of here and enjoy having this day off and thinking about everything I have to do today. I'm sure he doesn't want to be here either, in fact, I know he doesn't. I think we'll stop for coffee after and then we are going to the bread store to buy some Rotella's hard roles - yum! I'm trying to plan for the game tomorrow; making chili and I thought those rolls would be good to have on hand. Then I have to go to Wally World for the rest of the stuff I need. Maybe a chocolate chip bagel from Panera! I've been good all week, I think I could do that! I hear it's really nice outside....sitting here watching The View, which I cannot stand. Turn the channel! They have Kate from Jon & Kate Plus 8 on sitting in for someone, how disgusting. I liked her up until, well you know...the show should be off the air. Apparently Kathy Griffin is doing a spoof on John & Kate Plus 8 and it does look like a hoot. Kate's hair is a little funky today, bet it drives her crazy. On the side that is long and straight, usually, and hanging down the side of her face; they have her hair wavy and curled out to the side, just sticking out there. When she moves her head it kind of moves with her like it's got a ton of products on it. Makes me want to take a straight iron to it! I saw some girl riding in a car this morning taking a straight iron and doing her hair right in the car! That's a new one. At least she wasn't driving! When will he be done?

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